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OCR: SiliconGraphics Computer Systems U.S. GOVERNMENT S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND - Unpublished: use, duplication or disclosure o IRIX® Development Foundation 1.2 for IRIX® 6.3 e Government Procurement regulations. IWEOB Ja2808 2HTE2 Format: 812-0696-003 inst (file system) Sequence No .: 700 @ Copyright 1997-99 Notes: No Installation Tools ИК-сы ТОВТЗ Silicon Graphics, Inc. - Contains User-Mountable All Rights Reserved. Filesystem Date released: 05/99 1. Insert CD into CDROM drive. 2. To start Software Manager, double click CDROM icon, or choose Software Manager from Toolchest/System menu. (To use inst, type: inst -f /CDROM/dist) of the software on this CD by the 3. See the Installation Instructions booklet included with this CD for more details. 2 227-19 (c) (2) andron iii Similiar or successor clauses in the FAR or other applicable d this CD by the Government is subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19 (c) (2) and/or i